Archive for April, 2014

This is Body Builder

Posted: April 21, 2014 in Motivation











This is what body building means…

Young woman on a beach ready to start a workout.

People start telling you that you are getting slimmer or more muscular

You realized that your pants are getting loose

You look into the mirror more often

You start to wear clothings that expose your body a lot

People will start talking about fitness with you



Gain weight rapidly

Posted: April 10, 2014 in Uncategorized, Weight loss












Hypothyroid is a imbalance hormones condition that causing you to gain weight, fatigue, depress and even hair loss. Check with your doctor if you experience noticeable sign of thyroid disease.


Posted: April 9, 2014 in Motivation









Have your ordinary life live in an extraordinary way


Posted: April 7, 2014 in Training & Fitness, Weight loss








HIIT is the best for busy working adults, who want to squeeze intense workout in shortest period of time. The short burst exercise enable to improve cardiovascular fitness and fat burning.