Archive for August, 2015

You may not know how intense your workout is, or rather how hard your heart is working. Below is a table to know your HR zone.

Age Target HR Zone 50-85% Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%
20 years 100-170 beats per minute 200 beats per minute
30 years 95-162 beats per minute 190 beats per minute
35 years 93-157 beats per minute 185 beats per minute
40 years 90-153 beats per minute 180 beats per minute
45 years 88-149 beats per minute 175 beats per minute
50 years 85-145 beats per minute 170 beats per minute
55 years 83-140 beats per minute 165 beats per minute
60 years 80-136 beats per minute 160 beats per minute
65 years 78-132 beats per minute 155 beats per minute
70 years 75-128 beats per minute 150 beats per minute


  1. Ask your doctor if you are fit for exercise or needed any medication before physical activities
  2. Start with low intense exercise before trying moderate/ high intense workout
  3. Always monitor your heart rate
  4. Never skip warm up and cool down/ stretching
  5. Avoid exercise alone- other park/ exercise station users are around


Cardio is aerobic workout that you will only need a pair of running shoes to get it done (Running). Good for heart and burning calories, but may not increase much metabolism comparing weights training. Most important in fat burning is to raise metabolism, rather than just burning calories during exercise. A mixture of cardio and weights training will have a better and faster results in fat burning.


Which one to choose? Unless you are underweight and seriously need to put on mass, you may go for mass gainer because it has much higher calories from carbs, protein and fats. If you are looking into lean muscle gain, whey protein is recommended. Before taking any supplement, make sure you have no food allergy and no health condition.