Archive for September, 2014


Portion Control is an effective way for weight loss. One of a solution to prevent over eat is to get a smaller plate for your food, forcing you to reduce those calories!

Protein intake

Posted: September 8, 2014 in Nutrition and Supplement


Many fitness articles recommended protein intake for muscle growth is around 1g/lb of body weight, which is approximately 2g/kg. If you are afraid of eating too much protein, 1.6-1.8g/kg of your body weight will be a better amount for you.

Warm up

30 sec- running( slightly slower than sprinting)

1 min- fast walk

45 sec- jumping jack

1 min- fast walk

1 min- rope skipping

1 min- fast walk

45 sec- jumping jack

1 min- fast walk

30 sec- running

1 min- fast walk

Cool down and stretching