
Pre-workout drink helps you to have extra energy during gym session. If you encounter headache, nausea or extreme high heart rate, probably you need to stop or reduce the amount. Some people experience insomnia and you may want to avoid pre-workout drink during evening training.


Most people focus on the contraction during weights training. Focusing on slow reps can increase more strength, power, control and flexibility.


DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. However, physically active adult needs around 1.4-2g per kilogram. You need to identify your physical health, daily nutrition and activity level. For example, someone weigh 110kg and he takes 2g/kilogram of protein, which total of 220g, it may be too much for him.


Restaurants often introduce healthy menu, but don’t trust all of them. Always take note on the amount of fats, protein, carbs and starchy food in the menu. Sometimes, it is not as healthy as what the restaurant claims.



The only way to bulk up is to have calories surplus. Many people eat fast food to meet the amount calories needed. However, they often overeat, and having too much fast food is bad for health.


Understand what you want for 2016.

Foundation: Build up your stamina by doing more cardio.

Nutrition: Plan your diet and nutrition plan

Place: Find a most effective training area/ gym

Measure: Weight or body measurement for tracking your progress

Lifestyle: Have enough sleep, drink enough water

Repeat the above rules


Many people experience shoulder pain when doing chest workout. Try different training using machine, dumbbell and barbell. You will able to find a suitable method to train. However, if you still experience pain, it is advisable to check with your doctor.

sprinter vs marathoner

Posted: December 5, 2015 in Training & Fitness

Workout for monsoon season

Posted: November 18, 2015 in Training & Fitness


Rain during monsoon season may affect your outdoor exercise regime. Plan home workout and continue stay fit.

  1. HIIT (cardio and fat burning)
  2. Strength Training- weights (strengthening and building muscles)
  3. Yoga (stretch, balance and improve core muscles)